To be seen, known and loved.

We desire to meet middle and high school students where they are and show them the abundant life and love of Jesus!


Sunday School

Sunday school for middle and high schoolers is offered at 10 am on Sunday mornings. Sunday school classes are biblically based encourage conversation and questions about a life of following Jesus.


Summer Activities/Special Events

We offer various events for our youth throughout the year including Graduation Sunday, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry Involvement and more. Summer Activities include Vacation Bible School and other special outings. Youth are also encouraged to attend the camps available through our District and Conference. Details on these events can be found throughout the year on our Events page.

Youth Group

Youth Group is offered on Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm at Fairview. Middle and high schoolers hang out for an hour playing games, eating together, and taking a closer look at the life and ministry of Jesus.


Get Involved

If you would like to participate in Fairview’s Youth Ministry through involving your children or by volunteering please reach out! We have plenty of opportunities on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings with youth of all ages!