To be loved as a child of God.

Partnering with families in our church and community by providing opportunities for children to connect, serve, and grow into followers of Jesus.


Sunday School + Children’s Church

Sunday school classes are offered for pre-k through fifth grade at 10 am on Sunday mornings. Sunday school classes are biblically based, age-appropriate and utilize resources that encourage children to actively learn about being followers of Jesus.

Children’s Church is offered for pre-k (2yo +) through second grade at 11 am during the worship service. Third grade and up are invited to stay in the service, and under 2 are welcome in the nursery.


Summer Activities/Special Events

We offer various events for our youth throughout the year including an Easter Egg Hunt, Graduation Sunday, Trunk or Treat, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry Involvement and more. Summer Activities include Vacation Bible School and other special outings. Details on these events can be found throughout the year in our Fairview Kid’s Ministry Facebook Group.

Fairview Kids

Groups meet for devotional time, hands-on activities, and fun. Groups also plan regular outings to foster Christian fellowship among peers.


Get Involved

If you would like to be involved in Fairview’s Kids Ministry through the involving your children or by volunteering please reach out! We have plenty of opportunities on Sunday mornings with youth of all ages!



Children under two are welcome in the Nursery at 10 & 11 am!

*We do not currently offer Childcare during the 9am worship service.