
My dad was a big believer in sayings like, “do it right the first time and you won’t have to do it again” or “ there is always time to do it right” I always wanted to do things fast so I could get on with what I wanted to do. I remember one time I had to cut and re-cut and cut a third time the yard because I tried to run with the lawn mower, leaving large uncut paths behind me.


I hope some of my dad’s lessons have sunk in, but at times I still want to rush the process. I have spent all of my adult life in the church. It’s the only career I have ever had and sometimes I make the same mistakes I made in my youth. I want to rush the process of maturing in Christ, discipleship and reduce it all to a program to attend.


Jesus’ program of discipleship was simple: hang out with His disciples; let them see you at your best and worst; spend lots of time alone; teach truths none of your disciples can grasp at the moment; avoid crowds; go slowly; spend hours in solitude; don’t worry about opposition; ignore criticism; and don’t expect immediate results.


Jesus knew hurried disciples become ex-disciples. I need to learn in my own life to let the Great Gardner plant seeds in my life, soak up the watering and wait for growth…in other words unhurried discipleship in my own life.


Lord help me look more like you every day,





January 4, 2024