
“To achieve big things, you have to have big dreams… It always started with a dream.”

I admit there are times when my vision for God’s church is small. I get caught up in what I can’t get done or the perceived obstacles that are in my way. I spend too much of my time trying to move obstacles and run around issues. My time would be far better spent on my knees, praying, seeking God’s wisdom, and relying on His strength. I have a long, long way to go as a mature disciple of Jesus.

So, how about you? Do you have huge, hairy, audacious, God-sized dreams for His Church or are you too often in my camp wondering if God can move in this world?  I want to challenge you to spend some time with God asking what He desires for His Church in Shoals.

Andy Stanley says, “Vision is a futuristic picture of what COULD be, fueled by some passion of what SHOULD be.”

As leaders, we are led by the holy spirit to ask, “What is not, but should be for the Glory of God?” Where is God leading this Church? Before you skip over, skim by, or ignore that question, please consider this: God has a plan and a purpose for Fairview Church in Shoals, Surry County, North Carolina, and the World.

 Beyond budgets, committees, programs, and services, what could be and can we find the passion to move on to what should be? I believe that when the Church begins to seek the face of God, dream God-sized dreams, and allow the Holy Spirit to move in and through us, the budget coffers will be full, the pews will not be able to hold those who need Jesus and the Church’s ministry will transform this community.





