
“We love the Church, love the people here they have made us feel welcomed. “There is almost nothing a pastor loves to hear more than when people say they love the Church. (Ok well maybe your sermons have rocked our world, changed our trajectory in life and set us on the path to Kingdom living so we want to give all of our money to the Church…but I digress) We have been so blessed with visitors, sure one timers but so many that have moved from visiting to family. So, what does it really mean to join a church?

When you join our Church, we will ask that you commit to supporting the Church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts (talents, abilities and yes…financially), your service and your witness. Joining a church is not like joining a country club or the Kiwana’s, its so much more. You are entering into a covenant with God to support the Bride of Christ. I love my wife and I cherish her; I would do anything for her. Jesus gave everything for His bride, His very life. As we commit to honoring the church let us remember how much Jesus loves her and let’s follow His example.

If you are interested in membership, contact me, I’d love to talk about your place in our Church.





