
“Something is better than nothing.”

Do something! No, you do something! I watched through my office window as Levi and Will, my 7-year-old neighbors argued over something in my front yard. I stopped what I was doing and walked to my front porch to see what it was that neither seemed interested in doing. The boys were standing over a dead bird that apparently one of them, not sure to this day which one, hit with a bad mitten racquet. Both boys were horrified that the bird laid there lifeless (not sure what they thought would happen when they wacked it with a racquet) but they both regretted the outcome. I causally walked up, spoke incredible words of wisdom, “huh, looks dead”. (not very pastoral I know) Levi looked up and said, “can you do something?” Not sure if they thought; you are a pastor, make it come back or what, but I wanted to say, I’m not that guy, I just work for the miracle worker but now I found myself in the same boat, just do something!

Often times when it comes to situations that we view as spiritual or matters of the heart, we shy away and think this is something for trained professionals or preacher types. What if God placed you in that situation or in front of that person to use you to demonstrate his power? Maybe God is asking you to do something. So how do we discern God’s calling in a situation when there are no visions, fleeces, impressions, open doors, random Bible verses, casting lots, liver shivers or writing in the sky? We simply listen. If God put you there just do something. (Grabbing an egg from our tree and loving on a shut in is a great start)


We buried the bird; I said a prayer and told the guys not to whack any more birds with racquets. So far so good!

In His grip,




