3/22It’s a really a dress rehearsal. Palm Sunday is a dress rehearsal for what is to come. Jesus is making his way from Jericho to Jerusalem, healing telling stories and going head-to-head with the religious establishment. The people are in a frenzy, they have waited for a very long time for the Messiah and finally, this guy, this Jesus seems to be their answer. But they are unaware of God’s ultimate plan.
The people yell out Hosanna to the King, the crowd wanted to anoint him King of Israel. Jesus was King long before Palm Sunday, he was King when the world was formed, he was King when Sarah gave birth to Abraham’s son, he was King when Moses led the Israelites across the parted Red Sea, he was King when David defeated Goliath and he was King at his birth. What they wanted, what they thought they needed was an earthly king who would restore their earthly kingdom. What the people received was a Godly King who provided a new Kingdom. This King, King Jesus would wash their feet, take away their sins and give them life eternal.
The people who yelled Hosanna to the King would also be the same who yelled out crucify him. Our King came to free us all. He died in our place, took our punishment. Satan roared with pleasure, but it wouldn’t last. The King rose, defeated death and sits on His throne. He is coming back to claim His own. Hosanna to the King, God of eternity and Lord of my life.