
He looked tired. It was only 1:15 and I stopped at Subway for lunch. He let out a big sigh and I took that as my invitation to engage him in conversation. I mean what the heck the two girls in front of us were paralyzed by the choices for their bread, meats and toppings, you would have thought each decision brought life altering consequences. I said to the tired man, “long week?” it was only Wednesday. “Yeah, it has been three Mondays in a row”, he said. I have felt that feeling before, life is hard.

We are fighting through a jungle of responsibilities, jagged relationships, a tangled web of obligations and the weight of everyone’s needs. Everyone wants one more piece of you and unless you are superhuman, life is exhausting! You need a rest. You’ve tried vacations and they are nice while you are there, but the jungle awaits you and consumes you the day you return to real-life.

So, what do you do? The goal is not to avoid the jungle and become a hermit, the goal is to surrender to the one who can give your soul real rest. The one who, “leads you by still waters and refreshes your soul.” Lean into God, spend time with Him and surrender. God is waiting for you with refreshment for your whole life.


Ps. My friend at Subway placed his order quickly and turned to me saying,” I get the same thing every week”. I felt for him and his weeks of Monday after Monday and his turkey on wheat. I pray he finds rest in our Savior.





