
I hope this week has been a good one for you. God has reminded me of my deep need for Him. I don’t mean that I need to stop in and say hello, through a quick prayer or a passing thought but the fact that without God I am doomed. I can’t save myself. I came across this Pricilla Shier quote that I believe we should all take to heart, “David defeated Goliath but lost to Bathsheba. Our real giants are the desires we haven’t killed yet”. Our struggle with sin is real, we are afraid of offending people for fear of being cancelled or left out but we should be far more concerned with how we have offended God with our sin.

Our scripture this Sunday is 2 Timothy 4:1-4 the time has come when we people and churches are no longer seeking sound doctrine but instead desire to surround themselves with teachers and people who will say what their itching ears want to hear. This Sunday we will tackle the hard issue of our deep need for God’s word and repentance.

There is real hope for people who repent and run to a loving, grace giving God. Just ask the Prodigal Son!




