Do you remember your first love? For me it was April, she had long blonde hair, always wore a dress and was really nice…I was 6 years old. April and I were in the same class for 4 years straight and I liked her for all four years. I moved schools and lost contact but at 56 I still remember my first love. How about you? How about our Church? Our Church how can a Church have a first love? Remember we are the bride of Christ and that indicates the intimacy and closeness God desires to have with His Church.
Often we can get busy doing the business of church and forget our first love (Christ) altogether. We can do good, feed people, help people, worship, sing, have Bible studies and still neglect our first love. It happened in the early church. In Revelation Jesus gives the early churches a warning. The Church in Ephesus was hard working doing a lot right but he gave them a stern warning, if you do not return to your first love, Me (Christ) I will take my blessing from you.
Always a great reminder, we need you Jesus.