
In ancient times it was considered a crime worthy of punishment even death, to interrupt a King. Timothy Keller brought this point up in a recent book I read and cited one exception to this ancient rule; “only a child could interrupt the King without fear of punishment”. While our God is not doling out punishment, the symbolism is beautiful. We are the children of the King. As we celebrate Summer in the Psalms, listen to the words of Psalm 100:4 -5“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” So children come into the presence of your loving King. Bring your cares, concerns and troubles, rejoicing that your Lord welcomes you in and loves you.

Ron Pegram will be with us this Sunday. Ron is the former Chaplain for NASCAR and currently works at Reynolda Church in Winston Salem. We will also be commissioning our Mission Team at 11am and after the service you are all welcome to join us at the river by Keith and Connie’s house for…as it stands now 8 baptisms!!

God is good and his love does endure forever. The King is on the move, and we get to, get to be a part of all that He is doing in our Church.





